
[Lichtenfels, Germany, 2024/06/04] To support the sovereign, interoperable and trustworthy implementation of the recently enacted “European Digital Identity Framework”, the non-profit go.eIDAS Association joined forces with selected partners including C&S Computer und Software GmbH, Eclipse Foundation, eco Association, ecsec GmbH, moveID project, msg systems ag, OSB Alliance, Sovereign Cloud Stack project and the TEAM-X project in order to successfully launch the eIDAS-Testbed (https://test.eID.AS), which aims at fostering sovereignty, interoperability and trust for digital identities in Europe and beyond.

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[Lichtenfels/2021/10/07] The strong authentication by means of the German ID card for all TYPO3 applications completes the triple of eID logins for Nextcloud, WordPress and TYPO3 realised by ecsec GmbH on behalf of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). In the last few weeks, three eID Login Services for web applications that are particularly popular have been developed and published under an Open Source license. In connection with the SkIDentity service, the German eID card can now be used free of charge in all these web applications for strong authentication.

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[Lichtenfels, 2021/05/27] The eIDAS-Regulation has been fully in force for five years now and is facing a revision, which will pave the way for even more successful application of secure digital identities in the future. Against this background the non-profit go.eIDAS e.V. has assembled leading international experts and stakeholder in the sector of secure digital identities, trust services and mobile government to exchange latest experiences, knowledge and ideas. The go.eIDAS Summit 2021 will take place on 01 July 2021 as online event. You are cordially invited to virtually meet the experts in this area and register now for the free event at https://go.eID.AS/summit.

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[Lichtenfels, January 27th, 2021] The mGov4EU project (Mobile Cross-Border Government Services for Europe) successfully kicked off on January 1st, 2021. This project is funded within the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme to facilitate mobile cross-border government services across Europe. mGov4EU will combine the secure data exchange facilities of the Single Digital Gateway Regulation (SDGR) with mobile identities and trust services according to the eIDAS Regulation in order to push forward the development of a trustworthy digital Europe.

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[Lichtenfels, 2020/05/26] The non-profit go.eIDAS-Association has launched the international #eIDAS4all campaign and eIDAS-Forum to push forward the broad and fast adoption of electronic identification (eID) and trust services according to the eIDAS-Regulation. The open initiative invites all interested individuals and organisations to benefit from eIDAS within their individual applications and shape the trustworthy digitalisation of Europe, which is of utmost importance in times of Corona.

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[Brussels, 14th of November 2019] The EU-funded FutureTrust project today has released the eIDAS-Portal (https://eID.AS/portal), which allows all German Universities to combine academic and national identities in order to issue trustworthy certificates for the envisioned EU Student eCard, and further demonstrators for eMandates, eInvoices and eApostilles.

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